Am I bad person?

"You coerced me," he said. "I felt coerced." Never in my life would I have thought someone would say those words to me. I, unsurprisingly, played the defensive. Unsurprisingly since I was in high school at the time and was going through a phase of stubbornness and angst. Plus, I didn't remember the situation like… Continue reading Am I bad person?


I haven’t written in days, and I am so sorry about that. It’s just, I’m leaving soon. Im leaving this bubble of familiarity and comfort and knowingness and I haven’t quite digested it, yet. I would hate to write under a façade of stability or certainty. I don't feel very stable or certain right now.… Continue reading Leaving.

This is What Being Young Means

Feelings are more important than words. That time you sat in the passenger seat with the car turned off, the smell of the fabric heating up, his fingers tapping the window to a rhythm he wasn't sure of. That time when the grass poked and streaked your legs with red, your feet felt grainy, and your friends… Continue reading This is What Being Young Means

The Story of How I (Almost) Didn’t Graduate

I woke up on the morning of my graduation with my cell phone parallel to my face, uncomfortably held between my fingertips. The house phone rang, and my grandmother who was visiting from India didn't know better than to ignore calls that came to the house, so I reminded her not to pick it up. But… Continue reading The Story of How I (Almost) Didn’t Graduate

You don’t have to use sadness to fuel creativity.

Do not force drama and depression and misery into your life; do not feed into it if you think it deems you a good writer and fuels your creativity. You don't always have to set a melancholy, somber mood for your readers in order to convince them what you're writing is worthy enough to be noticed… Continue reading You don’t have to use sadness to fuel creativity.

Boy(s), Part II

This post isn't just about me and my awfulness and my tragic mistakes. It's about the potential you, the you that could also experience similar awfulness and tragedy. It's hard to write this and not because I will be writing about everything I went through, but because I have to emotionally recollect everything I went through. I… Continue reading Boy(s), Part II